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Facts, highlights and curiosities about the True Italian cuisine and culinary experience.

Sfusobuono: the wine revolution takes Germany

December 9, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

Top 5 gluten-free options at the True Italian Pasta Week

November 15, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

10 amazing ragout recipes to discover during the True Italian Pasta Week 2024

November 7, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

The Art of Panettone: Tradition and Innovation in the Holiday Sweet

November 5, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

10+1 Must-Try Vegan Pasta Recipes for True Italian Pasta Week

November 4, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

Celebrating Italian salami: a gala dinner in Berlin featuring DOP and IGP delicacies

November 1, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

The cultural significance of pasta: a culinary journey through cinema

October 21, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

Food Valley: the beating heart of Italian agricultural and food excellence

October 18, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

Northern Italy’s tomato set to conquer Europe: a blend of quality, sustainability, and innovation

October 18, 2024/by Benedetta De Vico

10 of the best vegan pizzas of the True Italian Pizza Week 2024

September 26, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

Italian Street Food Secrets: A Guide to Casual Eats

August 22, 2024/by tirocinantetrueitalian

Terra Verde celebrated its 8th anniversary with two special Aperitivi Siciliani

May 10, 2024/by totti

A Symphony of Flavors: Exploring the ‘Culinary Landscape’ of Colomba di Pasqua in Italy

February 28, 2024/by totti

Savoring ‘Agnello al Forno’: A Traditional Italian Easter Lamb Recipe

February 27, 2024/by totti

Easter in Sicily: Exploring the Unique Flavors of ‘Cassata Siciliana’

February 27, 2024/by totti

Springtime Symphony: Reveling in Fresh Beans and Pecorino Cheese on Pasquetta

February 26, 2024/by totti

Exploring the Delicious Tradition of Pizzagaina: A Savory Italian Treat

February 23, 2024/by totti

The Art of Making ‘Casatiello’: A Neapolitan Easter Bread”

February 23, 2024/by totti

Preserving Easter Heritage: Unraveling the Sweet Symbolism of Scarcella in Italian Culture

February 23, 2024/by totti

Fiadone Salato Abruzzese: Traditional Easter Delights from Italy’s Culinary Heritage

February 22, 2024/by totti
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