Open restaurants, best Pizzeria contest finals and new menus: these are your True Italianfood news for the week!
Here’s what you need to know about the true Italian cuisine in Berlin this week.
This week’s food news is all about the reopening of restaurants and bars, the finals of the True Italian Best Pizza Award – People’s Choice and many new menus!
True Italian Best Pizza Award – People’s Choice in Berlin: the finals!
Finally, the finals of the contest for the best Pizzeria in Berlin are open! After a couple of months and many matches, we finally got to the last and most important one: the final between the two remaining competitors, Malafemmena vs Tiny’s Pizza. You have been the judges so far and even this last match will be decided by the public with just one click on the True Italian Instagram story. We are very curious about who the winner is going to be. Tune in on Monday 24th to vote your favourite!
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Restaurants and bars open again: all you need to know
Now that restaurants and bars are opening again their doors (terraces) to their customers, it is important to be aware of the rules to follow in order to be able to enjoy this new freedom without forgetting that safety comes first! If you want to be one of the first to enjoy a good meal at your favourite restaurant, here are all the rules you need to remember.
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Malafemmena’s new menu and Lasagna
A new menu is in progress at Malafemmena and it will be soon available, but in the meantime, there is much of the old menu which we do not want to miss: the Lasagne alla Bolognese, in particular, is a recipe that makes Malafemmena really proud as it is prepared following only the original recipe filed at the Chamber of Commerce. Well, it must be seriously good.
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True Cannoli and Tiramisu in Boxhagener Platz
The perfect Saturday is easy to accomplish, especially if you know where to go. Among the many interesting stands at the Saturday morning market in Boxhagener Platz, there is one, in particular, waiting for you where both Cannoli and Tiramisu lovers can find their personal paradise. Kuchen Von Gaia doubles up: you can always find it inside the Markthalle IX (Kreuzberg) and at the Boxi market.
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Tobar opens again
We will never get tired of saying it: restaurants and bars are reopening. One of the first bars to take the chance without hesitating is To Bar, where you will be able to go and have a drink in good company starting from Friday 21st. Of course, the usual rules apply as always: the required negative Coronavirus test, the necessity of wearing masks and the maximum number of 5 people per table.
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ZeroStress Pizza and nine new vegan pizzas on the menu
In order to satisfy all their customers, ZeroStress Pizza decided to widen their offer by adding to their menu no less than nine new vegan pizzas among which you can choose. With restaurants opening again, the more choice we have the better, right? Do not miss all the information you need to have about their full menu.
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Fermento Wine to go!
There is now a new way of enjoying your most beloved wine at home: at Fermento Wine you can now order up to two bottles of wine and you will be able to take them home on a special cooler bag prepared specifically for you. Drinking wine so comfortably has never been easier!
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